Team-Based Inquiry Learning

Open Resources and Research supporting Active Learning in Mathematics

AY 2024-25 Opportunities for TBIL Fellows!

  1. We are establishing a TBIL Editorial Board to oversee the TBIL Resource Library.  We are looking for 5 people to join the board, and we will provide stipends and training over the coming academic year. Please indicate your interest here by Friday, September 13.
  2. We are looking for members of our community to provide workshops at conferences (including regional meetings like an MAA sectional).  We will soon have slideshows from previous workshops available in the TBIL resource library for you to use, and can provide a $500 stipend for your time.  Please email Drew Lewis if you are interested.
  3. Save the date: we are planning a training event prior to the Joint Math Meetings in Seattle in January. Stay tuned for details as we finalize plans, including an opportunity for us to fund your travel to JMM to participate.